What is Search Engine Marketing?


Most people I visit these days have not heard of the term Search Engine Marketing or SEM; but a lot of people have heard of Google Adwords or Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC). Search Engine Marketing is exactly that.

Still don’t know? Basically you can pay to show up more visibly on searches on almost any search engine.  Let’s give you an example:

Let’s pretend I have a old Junker in my front yard and I wanted to get rid of it. Naturally when I am looking for a product or service I ‘Google it’

So I do a search on Google for “Scrap Car Removal in Aldergrove” what do I see?

The items that I circled are Ads, you can actually pay the major search engines to be at the top of the searches or on the side.  In essence you are now able to, pick the Keywords that you want to appear on, as you can see our example above for “Scrap Car Removal”. The Beauty of it all, you are targeting people that are actually in “Buying Mode”, they are ready to Buy or really close to it.

Not only that, you can pick the areas you want to target, that way you don’t have to waste money Advertising in a City that you don’t do business in.

What better way to promote your company, being in front of Customers that are actually seeking you out?

If we look at the pic above again, Look at We Do Recover Towing because he is doing SEM and his Website is optimized properly he is showing up in two places, he has his free listing and his SEM listing, thus giving him more “Real-Estate” on that coveted first page.

In my opinion SEM is one of the best forms of Online Advertising.

What do you think? Have you tried SEM? How has it worked for you, comment below with your thoughts.