E-A-T: What It Is and Why It’s Essential for SEO

E-A-T SEO - Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness

In today’s evolving digital landscape, the competition to appear on the first page of search engine results is fiercer than ever. For businesses, employing effective SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies is no longer optional but essential to staying relevant and accessible. One crucial aspect of SEO that has been the focal point for digital marketing experts is E-A-T. Heavily discussed amongst SEO experts, it may not be a popular topic of conversation at every group’s brunch table; however, is essential for anyone trying to climb the digital ladder. Therefore, if you run a business or are looking to improve your website’s search engine rankings, this tactic is relevant to you.

So, what exactly is E-A-T? Is it an update, a minor tweak, something in between? In this blog, we will dive into the meaning of E-A-T, its significance in SEO, how it’s evaluated, and steps to improve your website’s E-A-T score. Let’s dive in…

Understanding E-A-T

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. These three elements determine how search engines like Google rank your website. Here’s a brief breakdown:

  1. Expertise: Indicates the level of knowledge and skill in a particular domain. This is typically evaluated at a content level rather than a website or organizational level. Why? Because Google is scouting for content that suggests the host is an expert on the subject matter.
  2. Authoritativeness: Reflects the recognition as an expert in your field, including credentials and endorsements from other respected entities. Simply put, when visitors view a specific person or website as the go-to source for information on a certain topic, that’s authoritativeness.
  3. Trustworthiness: Encompasses the accuracy and transparency of the content, along with a secure and accessible website. Certain things affect the trustworthiness of a website, for example, raters look for which domains are responsible for publishing specific content and, therefore, how much trust they have earned with their visitors.

Broken down, E-A-T is a characteristic that determines whether a website or webpage is high-quality and helpful to users.

Is E-A-T a Factor for Search Engine Ranking

No, E-A-T is not a ranking factor. It can, however, impact your website’s rank. A guideline utilized by Google, your E-A-T score will determine whether your content is high-quality or not, and if it should be ranked higher than competitors. Therefore, while it is not a direct ranking factor, it can indirectly affect your overall search rankings.

The Significance of E-A-T for SEO Strategy

In digital marketing, a strong E-A-T score can significantly enhance your SEO efforts. When search engines recognize your website as a reliable and authoritative source, your rank in the SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) improves. This is a cyclical process; higher rankings drive more traffic, enhancing your site’s authority and trustworthiness.

But what makes content high-quality or not? More images? Longer blogs? A surplus of alt tags? Improved meta-descriptions? Google has given web designers and SEO professionals insight into what constitutes E-A-T level content. Keep reading to find out.

How is E-A-T Evaluated

Search engines employ human evaluators and algorithms to assess a website’s E-A-T. The process involves analyzing the content quality, the author’s qualifications, and external references or backlinks to your website from other reputable sources. A positive evaluation leads to better rankings, making your website more visible to your target audience.

According to Google’s guidelines, E-A-T level content should be:

  • Helpful to users
  • Created with expert-level accuracy
  • Considered a trusted source
  • Posted on an authoritative website
  • Regularly and consistently updated

Boosting Your Website’s E-A-T Score

Improving your E-A-T score requires a combination of high-quality content creation, transparency, and strategic digital marketing initiatives. Here are some actionable steps:

  1. Create High-Quality Content: Engaging, accurate, and informative content is top tier. Ensure it’s well-researched, easy to read, and helpful to your readers. Overall, it should be reader-focused content, written by people, for people and meet an audience’s evolving needs.
  2. Be Transparent About the Author and Info: To build trust with Google, it should be clear that the author of your content is a legitimate source of information. This can be established by displaying a clear set of author credentials and contact information to boost your site’s credibility.
  3. Have Credible Sources: Reference authoritative sources and data to back your claims. When publishing content, include links to official sources, research papers, studies, blogs, or even tweets crafted by experts in their field. Anything to build credibility and trust between your content and Google.
  4. Build a Positive Reputation for Your Brand: Build and maintain a positive online reputation to improve the trustworthiness of your content and overall website. This can be achieved through reviews, testimonials, and good customer service. For example, look out for negative Google reviews, responding to poor experiences with promptness and professionalism.
  5. Leverage and Monitor User-Generated Content: Any type of content that is created by website users or consumers is considered user-generated content (UCG). When used properly, UGC can establish trust and brand loyalty and is highly impactful regarding potential customers’ purchasing decisions. Encourage reviews, comments, images, video testimonials, etc. from your audience. Ensure you respond promptly and professionally (while maintaining your brand’s unique tone) to build a community around your brand.
  6. Use Authoritative Backlinks: Building a strong volume of backlinks from trusted sources is essential for an effective SEO campaign. It also exemplifies your business’s authority in its specific industry. Engage in white-hat link-building strategies to garner backlinks from respected websites in your field.

Utilizing Stigan Media’s Expertise for a High E-A-T Ranking

At Stigan Media, our SEO professionals are experts at optimizing your online presence to improve your website’s E-A-T score. We ensure your website’s content resonates with the E-A-T criteria through meticulous analysis and tailored SEO strategies, propelling you to the forefront of SERPs and enhancing your digital footprint. For a free online strategy consultation with one of our specialists, get in touch today.


E-A-T is not a frivolous buzzword but a core component of effective search engine optimization. Adhering to E-A-T guidelines propels your website’s ranking, builds a foundation of trust with your audience, and wins legitimacy with Google. Advising with seasoned SEO specialists like the team at Stigan Media can significantly expedite this process. We invite you to share your thoughts or questions about E-A-T in the comments below, and explore how integrating E-A-T within your SEO strategy can propel your business to new digital heights.